The biggest hazard when meeting virtually and how to avoid it


Photo by Eugenio Mazzone on Unsplash

COVID-19 is on everyone's minds. Many businesses have asked staff to work from home when possible. Video conferencing might be the primary way many of us will be meeting for the next (hopefully) short span of time.

You know what it's like when you're having a conversation with someone and they break focus from you to check a message that just popped up on their phone? The message you get is that they've something much more important to do than be present with you. It's not a good feeling.

Is this the message you want to be sending to your direct reports, your clients or your manager?

When you're in virtual meetings on your computer, there are even more possibilities for distraction than your phone, so be conscious to have awareness around being present.

When possible, minimize and close any apps that might pop up and distract you, particularly if you're leading the meeting. Responding to that slack message or getting through that avalanche of email is tempting, but there's nothing worse than missing a key point or not being able to answer a crucial question that came your way because you were distracted. It doesn't feel good for you OR your audience.

Beyond that, let's choose to remain calm. Hysteria isn't helpful, whether you're getting up to speak to a group, or you're digesting the latest news.

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