A Step-by-Step Guide to Giving Good Feedback


Businesses are operating mostly online right now, making strong communication skills a necessity to getting the job done. One key part of communication is knowing how to give useful feedback. If you’re struggling with how to share what you’re thinking (either positive or negative) keep reading for a quick step-by-step guide.

Step One: Review the Environment

Spend a bit of time thinking about what your space will be like and what the other person’s space will be like. You should remove distractions from your space for the conversation and encourage the other person to do this as well. When you can, prompt the feedback with a question such as, “Do you have a second to talk about the project you turned in last week?” This allows the person who is receiving feedback to feel a part of the conversation. They are more likely to buy into what you have to say when they have the option to agree to the feedback.  

Step Two: Speak to One Specific Thing

Make sure you’re specific. The other person should know what you’re referring to when giving feedback so he or she can make the expected adjustments. Instead of saying “You’re late to every meeting” speak more clearly by saying “Yesterday you arrived at the staff meeting 10 minutes after it had started.”

Step Three: Share Your Experience

When voicing feedback be sure to share your personal feelings about the specific point. Something like, “When you came to the meeting late I felt anxious.” The feedback should not share what “everyone” thought or speak to anyone other than you.

Step Four: Make it a Conversation

Ask the other person for their perspective and if they have any questions. People will be more open to receiving both positive and negative feedback when they feel respected and included in conversation.


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